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  • Currently, I am Lead Animator & Associate Producer for Aspire Studios with an endless passion for short films, a dedication to storytelling, as well as a growing excitement for motion graphics.

  • When I am not animating, I am a freelance Assistant Set & Projections Designer for theater, opera, & ballet companies nationwide including San Francisco Opera, Washington National Opera, The Atlanta Opera, Dallas Opera, & Miami City Ballet. As an assistant, I happily take on many roles: 2D & 3D drafting, 3D model making, and projection design.

  • A graduate from Montclair State University, I obtained a B.F.A in Animation/Illustration as well as a B.F.A in Theater Production and Design, concentrating in Scenic Design & Scenic Painting

  • I enjoy complex, inventive problem solving and finding creative opportunities in every challenge

  • I'm an avid hiker and travel enthusiast. I took 3 months in 2019 to road-trip around the country, hiking at many of the National Parks & Forests. Grand Teton is a must!

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